Patients are registered by telephonically, Through website and also registered through walk-in at the reception and are seen on first come, first serve basis, however out of turn consultation may be provided in case of emergency and senior citizen. Patients have the right to consult any doctor. In OPD, clinical consultation is provided to patients which includes history taking, clinical examination, diagnosis and providing prescription to patients besides advising laboratory tests in some cases. OPD has a clean and fresh air, waiting hall with chairs, a TV, public utilities like drinking water and toilets. Staff are always available in front of individual consultation rooms. Wheel chairs, trolleys and attendants are there to help very sick patients.
Indoor Patient facility:
Indoor Patient facility for observation and management of medical problem like Spine surgery, Major Accidents, Major or Minor Surgery, Gynaecological Problems, Typhoid, Acute gastroenteritis, COPD, Bronchial asthma, Malaria, Viral fever, Pneumonias, joint replacement etc. We have with well trained and skilled medical team. There are 5 wards, Special rooms and well equipped emergency room.
Emergency Care:
24*7 Hours emergency care facilities available with our expert team to handle trauma situations. Expert team like doctors, Nursing staff, and other staff are always available to done the procedure smoothly.
Polytrauma Care:
24*7 Hours Polytrauma team run by Head of the Departments (Neurosurgery, Orthopaedic, General Surgery & Burn Surgery).
Major OT/ Minor OT:
Provides services for minor surgical procedure like dressing of lacerated wound, suturing of minor lacerations & resuturing.
Physiotherapy facility for assist the patients to recover from wide range of musculoskeletal pain-ful disorders. Available modalities are Machanical Therapy, laser therapy traction unit etc.
Dietetics departments run by expert dieticine to take care patients diet plan according there diet and provide diet chart on daily basis..
Laboratory services:
Well trained laboratory staff are providing best services which includes painless blood withdrawal Services of one specialized tests, they collect sample 24*7 days in hospital. While emergency tests like Blood sugar, platelet count & blood grouping done in emergent cases throughout OPD hours.
Radiology services:
CT Scan, X-Ray, Portable X-ray, Ultrasound, Sonography done on all working days and during OPD hours and 24*7 in emergency.
ECG Services:
24*7 hours ECG services available, ECG is done by trained staff including automated machine report.
Quality medicines are available in our Pharmacy in Campus to beneficiaries on doctor prescription during OPD hours and Same available for Indoor patients too 24*7 hours.
Ambulance Services:
24 hours patient transport vehicle available. Patients are transported from home (on campus) to hospital and patients referred by emergency duty doctor to empanelled hospital for specialized care.
Canteen Facilities:
24 hours Canteen facilities available for Indoor Patient to provide fresh and quality food. Canteens Food quality is monitor by our Dietician.
Nursing Training:
To purpose of skill development of medical staff we conduct inductions program for nursing and other medical staff in well occupied our infrastructure.